Pharmacy Inventory Services

Physical Inventories Critical
two woman in the pharmacy wearing white and holding packets

Operating with the highest ethical standards, IMC takes the needs of our customers very seriously. IMC is committed to helping our customers achieve costs significant inventory and return processes. Our pharmacy inventory company has a strong reputation for being honest, transparent, and inclusive. We don’t believe in overstating our abilities or making exaggerated claims. Our purpose is to serve you to the best of our knowledge and being upfront for the beginning is critical.

Why Do I Need a Physical Inventory

Performing physical inventories is critical to the success of any pharmacy. Even an efficient ran pharmacy can dispense pharmacy medications that don’t match your inventory data. At any given time, the number of drugs you have on record may differ from the number of stocked medications actually in your pharmacy. Physical inventory reconciliation will help you find such errors by checking your records against your actual stock.

While a physical count can be a burdensome task, it’s one of the most important things you can do to ensure your profitability and success. Here are a few more reasons why performing a physical inventory count is so important:

Overall Control. Physical inventory counts help you identify shrinkage problems. Units may be missing from your inventory for many reasons, but the most common causes are incorrect dispensing of a drug, damage, and theft.

Decision making. With accurate, up-to-date information about your inventory, you’ll be able to make informed decisions when working with wholesalers. Setting up and maintaining par levels will help your pharmacy buyer progress to the proper inventory cycle turns.

Efficiency. Without accurate stock information, effective inventory control is impossible. A proper inventory management system helps your staff save time and better serve the pharmacy’s overall bottom line.

Experience does count:

An average inventory crew at our firm has more than 50 years of combined experience. Our knowledge of how pharmaceuticals are packaged and priced determines how accurate your final report truly is. For us, it’s about being meticulous from the start, using the latest technology, having a database to support an accurate count, and the experience of the crew.Why are you so accurate?

Each inventory crew member carries a state-of-the-art Motorola MC 32NO inventory scanner. What makes IMC technically superior to any other inventory company is our accuracy in counting. Once an NDC number and quantity is input into the system, our analytical software kicks in. IMC has created custom software that can grab your drug price and compare previous inventories’ quantity and price. Crew members know instantaneously that this drug cost may be substantially higher/lower than the previous inventories taken; the count may not be in line with last counts. Or simply that the price and quantity is something that should be paid closer attention to because of the extension cost of the drug. These tools help fix and correct on hand any questions that may arise; again, nobody in the industry has this technology nor experience. IMC Pharma is far more accurate than any of our competitors. The average error ratio at IMC is less than 1%. Call today to set up your inventory.

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